Definition of Brain surgeon

1. Noun. Someone who does surgery on the nervous system (especially the brain).

Exact synonyms: Neurosurgeon
Generic synonyms: Operating Surgeon, Sawbones, Surgeon

Definition of Brain surgeon

1. Noun. Someone who does brain surgery. ¹

2. Noun. (idiomatic) Someone very intelligent. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Brain Surgeon

brain laceration
brain lipid
brain mantle
brain metastases
brain mushroom
brain natriuretic peptide
brain neoplasm
brain oedema
brain potential
brain sand
brain science
brain stem
brain stems
brain sugar
brain surgeon
brain surgeons
brain surgery
brain tissue transplantation
brain trust
brain truster
brain trusts
brain tumor
brain tumors
brain tumour
brain tumour calcifications
brain tumours
brain wave
brain wave complex
brain wave cycle

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